

Re-marketing and brokerage

In the context of IT products remarketing, multiple organizations can recover value from their surplus or outdated IT assets by refurbishing and reselling them to us. This process not only helps in recouping some of the initial investment but also reduces electronic waste and promotes sustainability.
On the other hand, IT products brokerage services act as intermediaries connecting buyers and sellers of IT equipment. Brokers help in facilitating the transaction, negotiating deals, and ensuring a smooth exchange of goods and payment between the parties involved.

Factors to consider:

  • product condition
  • pricing
  • market demand
  • legal compliance

Our Process of Re-marketing and Brokerage

At QAISAR ITR we also excel IT products remarketing and brokerage, which involve the resale and redistribution of used or surplus IT equipment through various channels. Through our top Remarketing techniques, we refer the process of selling refurbished or pre-owned IT products to new customers, while brokerage involves facilitating the sale of IT products between buyers and sellers.

Business Model for IT Products Remarketing and Brokerage

The business model for IT products remarketing and brokerage involves the resale and redistribution of used or surplus IT equipment through various channels. Remarketing focuses on selling refurbished or pre-owned IT products to new customers, while brokerage facilitates the sale of IT products between buyers and sellers.

Acquisition of Surplus
IT Assets

Organizations acquire surplus or outdated IT assets from businesses looking to sell or dispose of their equipment.

Refurbishment and Resale

Surplus IT assets are refurbished to ensure they meet quality standards before being resold to new customers.

Brokerage Services

Acting as intermediaries, brokers facilitate the sale of IT products between buyers and sellers, negotiating deals and ensuring a smooth exchange of goods and payment.

Market Analysis

Conducting market research to determine product demand, pricing strategies, and identifying potential buyers.

Legal Compliance

Ensuring compliance with regulations related to the resale of IT equipment, data security, and environmental standards.


Promoting sustainability by reducing electronic waste through the resale and reuse of IT products.

More Services

Asset Management
Maximize the value of your electronic assets with our strategic asset management services, ensuring optimal utilization,tracking, and responsible disposal for a sustainable technological ecosystem.
Responsible Recycling
Explore new possibilities in the electronic waste market through our trading and brokerage services. Unlock value, facilitate responsible transactions, and contribute to a greener, circular economy.
Data Wiping
we specialize in providing comprehensive data wiping services to ensure the complete removal of confidential data, protecting privacy, and preventing unauthorized access.

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